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关于国庆节的演讲稿 关于国庆节的演讲稿小学生


Some people said: "China's existence itself is destined to become a acle, no doubt, no doubt." Indeed, in this short period of XX years, disasters he brought us grief, but they he notNow that we live in a time of peace, our motherland does not need us to go to the battlefield. How should we be patriotic? Is it only these acts of astonishment that are patriotic. Not really. It is also patriotic to do rything well. Let's take a look at our life first. Are we used to throwing rubbish and spitting rywhere; Are we used to the public noise; Are we used to listening to class, are we used to students to finish homework? We are used to too many habits, which are too many habits. Some students he dloped some bad habits, which makes our students lack of initiative and no sense of responsibility in their study. depressed our will, on the contrary, they he united us and united us. We he set foot on the disaster with strength, faith and love. This bre force comes from a young country, a nation with 5000 years of splendid civilization, and the industrious and bre 1.3 billion Chinese people.

尊敬的学校、亲爱的老师、亲爱的同学们: 大家晚上好! 成都华大卫生学校,在这丹桂飘香的金秋夜晚,我们欢聚一堂,共同庆祝伟大的中华共国诞辰65。在这里,请允许我代表学校、政、工、团向参加晚会的、嘉宾、专家、及全校教职员工、全校同学致以节日的问候!向一年来教职员工的辛勤工作,同学们的刻苦学习所取得的优良成绩祝贺。 六十五年前的1949年10月1日,伟大在城楼向全世界庄严宣告:“中华成立了!从此站起来了!”掌握了自己命运的,焕发出前所未有的创造活力,使昔日贫穷落后的旧成为欣欣向荣的新。建国65年来,在的下,全国各族团结一心,艰苦奋斗,励精图治,各项事业不断推进,发生了翻天覆地的变化。尤其是改革开放以来我国的经济实力、国防实力和民族凝聚力不断增强,物质文明、精神文明、文明建设取得了显著成绩,科技、教育、文化、卫生、外交等各项事业蓬勃发展,声誉和地位显著提高。 同学们,只有强盛,才有我们美丽的家园和幸福的生活。你们是60年,光辉岁月弹指间,60年,沧桑巨变。六十年的画卷翻开的是一路的豪情万丈,六十年的诗篇书写的是一首首的壮美史诗,六十年的一曲歌唱的是震彻云霄。当下的青年,跨世纪的雏鹰。“少年强则国强,少年盛则国盛。”作为未来的主人,你们有、有义务继续挑起中华民族复兴的重担。你们要树立远大的志向和抱负,从现在做起,从身边的小事做起,勤奋学习,严以律己,用自己的一言一行为增光! 同学们,今天的国庆晚会是按照办公室通知精神要求而举行的,是作出的重大决策,它对团结动员全国各族以极大热情投身全面深化改革、推动现代化伟大事业,努力实现“两个一百年”奋斗目标和中华民族伟大复兴的梦,充分展示我国繁荣发展、进步、文明开放的形象,具有十分重要而现实的意义。晚会也是学校为你们提供的增强爱国之心,锻炼团队意识,展示才艺的机会的正能量平台!希望同学们,用你们的、你们的歌喉、你们的舞姿来赞美祖国,讴歌祖国!也希望参加晚会的全体师生,用你们的热情,用你们的呐喊,用你们的掌声来庆祝国庆,欢度国庆,祈福国庆! ,让我们共同祝愿我们伟大的祖国更加繁荣昌盛,祝愿全体教师心情愉快、身体健康!祝愿全体同学学习进步、快乐成长! 谢谢大家!

关于国庆节的演讲稿 关于国庆节的演讲稿小学生关于国庆节的演讲稿 关于国庆节的演讲稿小学生

关于国庆节的演讲稿 关于国庆节的演讲稿小学生


In 20XX, looking forward to the future, the Chinese nation will be prosperous and strong, and the Chinese people will be happy and healthy. In the future, China will present itself to the world with colorful figures, stand tall in the world with brilliant achiments, and lee our own stories in the long river of history.

(下文即可开始写母校的事迹)XX years, we cherish, we surpass, we look forward to, we 经过六十载春秋的蓬勃发展,我们伟大的祖国正如一轮冉冉升起的旭日,闪耀在世界的东方。而千千万万艰苦奋斗的华夏儿孙,正如托起这轮旭日的朝霞,这其中就包括我们的母校人!realize. In the year of XX, new China was reborn in the fire, constantly conquering wind and rain and creating acles. Looking back on the years along the way, we can see the hope for the future.




Liang Qichao once said that the youth is the national prosperity, the young strong is the national strength. Nowadays, our great motherland is becoming more prosperous and stronger. Patrioti should become the vo of our times! Let's start with all things, from now on, love ourselves, teachers and schools; We should dlop good habits of life, not late, lee early, listen to class carefully, abide by discipline, study hard, and rise day by day, and set up the lofty ideal of studying hard for the rise of China.

小学生演讲稿: 与祖国同行






2008 is also a year to be proud of. The success of the Olympic Games makes the Chinese people ile and remember the beauty and breadth of the ancient oriental civilization; The su同学们,努力吧,中华民族的伟大复兴将在我们手中实现。我们将与祖国同行!不再为过去的伤悲喊痛,不再为过去的辉煌叫好,从我做起,从现在做起,把我们的整个身心融入到祖国日新月异发展之中,为祖国而学习,让中华民族五千年的正气在青春的火焰中再现!让华夏神州五千年的雄健国魂在青春的火焰中再生!!!”ccessful launch of shenzhou-9 once again reached the mysterious and vast universe in the eyes of Chinese people. We he proved to the world that we can go as far as our dreams are.

【 #英语资源# 导语】国庆节是由一个制定的用来纪念本身的法定日。它们通常是这个的、宪法的签署、元首诞辰或其他有重大纪念意义的纪念日;也有些是这个守护神的圣人节。以下是 为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。 【篇一】2021年国庆节英语演讲稿

Teachers and students:

Good morning!

Today, my speech is "patrioti should start from all things".

A few days later is the XX birthday of our mother, which reminds us of the es who he thrown their heads, poured blood and selflessly for the founding of new China! Looking back on the long history of our Chinese nation, countless patriotic people still live in our hearts: Yuefei, zhengchengcheng, Sun Yat Sen, Li Dazhao, etc. After the founding of new China, therI remember a philosopher said: the wheel of history is aancing in twists and turns. After a long groping, we gradually see the dawn. Even if the snow disaster comes, the cold weather has not destroyed our strong, we use love for each other raised the winter sun. Just ask: who can't be convinced by such a warm nation. History has proved that no matter how thick the and snow is, no matter how big the earthquake is, it will be defeated by our brotherhood and the love of our compatriots, and it will be revived by our indomitable faith and the strength to overcome the difficulties toger.e are many outstanding figures, such as dengjiaxian, HuaLuoGeng, Qian Xuesen, etc. They give up their glorious and rich lives abroad, return to the poor motherland, contribute their own strength to the modernization of the country. Their glorious image and their crying moving deeds always inspire ry Chinese to go up!

Patrioti is a sacred word. What is patrioti? Patrioti is a mountain river that loves the motherland, loves the history of the nation, cares about the fate of the motherland, maintains the dignity of the motherland, and fights brely in times of crisis.

Let's think about how can a student who doesn't love his school and n his teacher's instruction love to listen to, and how can we love his country? School is the cradle of your growth, there is no reason not to love your school. Hope that we will protect the image and honor of our Longfeng primary school just like we love our eyes; Sincerely respect our teachers; Consciously protect the school, create elegant human environment, make our school a real learning garden, Paradise;!

Finally, let us wish our great motherland prosperity toger! The future is bright.

Thank you all for your speech!


Today, the theme of my speech under the flag is: patrioti, let's start here.

Students, today's flag raising ceremony, meaning is unusual, in three days, our great motherland will usher in her XX birthday. The course of XX years of wind and rain, the vicissitudes of XX years he changed greatly. Our motherland has changed from waste to prosperity, from poverty and backwardness to prosperity. Today, China has already thrown the hat of sick man in East Asia into the garbage dump of history, and instead, it is the pride of the Olympic gold medal number one; Today, China has already said goodbye to the embarrassing history that n a box of matches can not produce. Instead, it is the confidence of the world factory of madeinchina; Today, China has already said goodbye to the suffering memory of being bullied by anyone. Instead, it is the pride of the great country that plays a great deal of pride in the National Day parade; Today, ry proud, confident, self-esteem and self-improvement Chinese are expressing their strong patriotic feelings in their own way, and are building blocks for the strength of the motherland.

Dear students, facing the five star red flag, you may ask, what kind of way should I express my patrioti and how to express my patrioti for the dlopment and progress of our country? Then I'll l you, patrioti, start here. In the flag raising ceremony once a week, facing the bright flag, wher we he achid the standing ture and the team etiquette standard; Every time we enter the school gate, wher we he made the uniform neat and the red scarf wear neatly; When we meet teachers and ctes on campus, do we nod and ile and ask well; When we saw the peel in the playground corridor, did we bend and pick up it; Sitting in the classroom with clear windows, wher we he been able to listen carefully and study hard; When others need in case of difficulties, do we reach out to and give love; When we got home, facing hard-working parents, did we understand the hard work of our parents, do some housework as we can, etc. Students, as a glorious. We should inherit the tradition of carrying things with virtue and striving for ourselves, from here, from ourselves and now on. Each of us takes a all step, and our society will take a big step, and the pace of our motherland will be more solid and powerful. Students, can you do it? OK, let's work toger.

Finally, I wish you all a happy National Day!


Dear leaders, dear students

The theme of my speech today is "looking back, looking forward to the future".

Time can not wash the history of lead China, he witnessed the ups and downs of XX years, the unforgettable years of XX. History has already become the past, but we need to look back and feel. The poverty and backwardness of the past, and the "sick man of East Asia" of the past no longer belong to us. Now we he used the Oriental Magic Arrow to let GDP rise at the fastest speed on the horizon. In the United Nations, the OECD, the Boao Forum and the financial summit, the world has nr been so silent as today, listening to our vo toger.






在爬满甲骨文的钟鼎之上,读祖国童年的When we stand here, singing the magnifnt and exciting national anthem, we can not but feel proud of our Chinese children when we see the five star red flag rising.灵性;在布满烽火的长城上,读祖国青春的豪放;在缀满诗歌与科学的大地上,读祖国壮年的成熟……






我们爱和平,我们不要战斗,亲爱的母亲啊,感谢您给我们一个温暖的家乡,一首首歌,一部部曲,都歌颂了您的繁荣富强鲜艳花儿,为祖国开放碧绿的草儿,为您升涨娇嫩的鸟儿,为你歌唱亲爱的祖国啊,让我们歌唱您的繁荣富强!亲爱的母Good ning,ryone!亲啊!愿您永远幸福平安!

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