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3、home的详尽释义是n.(名词)家,家庭收容所故乡疗养所,养育院发源地,发祥地 ,产地生息地家庭生活住宅祖国,本国【体】终点【棒】本垒栖息地大本营。


5、一、详尽释义点此查看home的详细内容n.(名词)家,家庭收容所故乡疗养所,养育院发源地,发祥地 ,产地生息地家庭生活住宅祖国,本国【体】终点【棒】本垒栖息地大本营adv.(副词)在家;回家;到家深入地回本国,回国中要害向家在本国【棒】回本垒尽量地彻底痛切切实adj.(形容词)本地的家庭的,家的国内的,本国的总部的故乡的,家乡的在本地举行的本国产的内地的中要害的严厉的返航的家庭用的,家用的主场的在家里做的在家里的v.(动词)回家把...放在家中,把...送到家中回巢穴,回出生地区给...住处,为…提供住处归航按信号暗示回场【火箭】导航自动寻得【军】(飞机、导弹)自动导航朝向、移向、导向(目标)把(思想、注意力)集中于成家,安家二、英英释义Noun:where you live at a particular time;"deliver the package to my home""he doesn't have a home to go to""your place or mine?"housing that someone is living in;"he built a modest dwelling near the pond""they raise money to provide homes for the homeless"the country or state or city where you live;"Canadian tariffs enabled United States lumber companies to raise prices at home""his home is New Jersey"(baseball) base consisting of a rubber slab where the batter stands; it must be touched by a base runner in order to score;"he ruled that the runner failed to touch home"the place where you are stationed and from which missions start and endplace where something began and flourished;"the United States is the home of basketball"an environment offering affection and security;"home is where the heart is""he grew up in a good Christian home""there's no place like home"a social unit living together;"he moved his family to Virginia""It was a good Christian household""I waited until the whole house was asleep""the teacher asked how many people made up his home"an institution where people are cared for;"a home for the elderly"Adjective:used of your own ground;"a home game"relating to or being where one lives or where one's roots are;"my home town"inside the country;"the British Home Office has broader responsibilities than the United States Department of the Interior""the nation's internal politics"Adverb:at or to or in the direction of one's home or family;"He stays home on weekends""after the game the children brought friends home for supper""I'll be home tomorrow""came riding home in style""I hope you will come home for Christmas""I'll take her home""don't forget to write home"on or to the point aimed at;"the arrow struck home"to the fullest extent; to the heart;"drove the nail home""drove his point home""his comments hit home"Verb:provide with, or send to, a homereturn home accurately from a long distance;"homing pigeons"三、词典解释名词、形容词和副词用法(NOUN, ADJECTIVE, AND ADVERB USES)1.家;住宅;住所Someone'shome is the house or flat where they live.home的近义词e.g. Last night they stayed athome and watched TV...昨晚他们呆在了家里看电视。

6、e.g. ...hishome in Hampstead.他位于汉普斯特德的住所2.(强调归属感的)家,家乡,祖国You can usehome to refer in a general way to the house, town, or country where someone lives now or where they were born, often to emphasize that they feel they belong in that place.home在线翻译e.g. She gives frequent performances of her work, both athome and abroad...她经常在国内外演出自己的作品。

7、e.g. His father worked away fromhome for much of Jim's first five years...父亲在吉姆5岁前的大部分时间里都在外地工作。

8、3.向家;在家Home means to or at the place where you live.e.g. His wife wasn't feeling too well and she wanted to gohome...他的妻子感到有些不舒服,想要回家。

9、e.g. I'll telephone you as soon as I gethome...我一到家就给你打电话。

10、4.在家里做(或进行)的Home means made or done in the place where you live.e.g. ...cheap but healthyhome cooking...便宜而健康的家常菜e.g. All you have to do is make ahome video.你要做的就是拍一段家庭录像片。

11、5.本国的;国内的Home means relating to your own country as opposed to foreign countries.home是什么意思e.g. Europe's software companies still have a growinghome market.欧洲软件公司的国内市场仍在增长中。

12、e.g. ...the Guardian'shome news pages.《卫报》的国内新闻版6.养老院;疗养院;养育院Ahome is a large house or institution where a number of people live and are looked after, instead of living in their own houses or flats. They usually live there because they are too old or ill to look after themselves or for their families to care for them.e.g. It's going to be ahome for handicapped children.这将是一家残疾儿童福利院。

13、e.g. ...an old people'shome.养老院7.家庭You can refer to a family unit as ahome .e.g. She had, at any rate, provided a peaceful and lovinghome for Harriet...她至少为哈丽雅特提供了一个安宁关爱的家。

14、e.g. Single-parent homes are commonplace.单亲家庭很普遍。

15、8.发源地;发祥地;产地;生息地If you refer to thehome of something, you mean the place where it began or where it is most typically found.e.g. This south-west region of France is thehome of claret.法国西南部的这个地区是干红葡萄酒的产地。


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