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风和太阳(The Wind And The Sun)



One day the wind said to the sun, “Look at that man walking along the road. I can get his cloak off more quickly than you can.”

(有一天风跟太阳说:Continue until all monkeys are gone. Away swims Mr. Crocodile As full as he can be! “看看那个沿着路上走的人.我可以比你快让他把披风脱下来.)

“We will see about that,” said the sun. “I will let you try first.”

(“我们等着看吧,”太阳说, “我让你先试.)

So the wind tried to make the man take off his cloak. He blew and blew, but the man only pulled his cloak more closely around himse鳄鱼先生游走了肚子吃得饱饱的!lf.


“I give up,” said the wind at last. “I cannot get his cloak off.” Then the sun tried. He shone as hard as he could. The man soon became hot and took off his cloak.

(“我放弃了,”风说, “我The farmer was able to get a golden egg ry morning. In the market, rybody loved to buy the golden eggs. Getting weary of working, the farmer did not want to farm.无法让他把披风脱下来.”然后由太阳试试看.他尽可能地晒他.不久,那个人很热就把披风脱下来了.)


The runaway bunny






Once there was a little bunny who wanted to run away.so he said to his mother,’I am running away.’

‘If youn away’,said his mother,’I will run after you,for you are my little bunny’


‘if youn after me,’said the little bunny,’I will become a fish in a trout stream and I will swim away from you’

‘if you become a fish in a trout stream,’said his mother,’I will become a fishman and I will fish for you.’

‘if you become a fishman,’said the little bunny,’I will become a rock on the mountain,high above you’

‘If you become a rock on the mountain high above me,’said the mother,’I will become a mountain climber ,and I will climb to where you are.’



If you become a mountain climber,’the little bunny said,’I will become a crocus in a hidden garden,’

If you become a crocus in a hidden garden,’said his mother,’I will be a gardener,and I will find you’



If you become a gardener and find me,’said the little bunny.i will become a bird and fly away far from you

If you become a bird and fly away far from you,’said his mother’I will become a tree that you come to.’


If you become a tree ,’said the little bunny,I will become a little sailboat,and I will sail away from you,’

If you become a sailboat,’said his mother’I will become the wind and blow you where I want you to go.



‘if you become the wind and blow me,’said the little bunny’’I will join a circus and fly away on a flying trapeze,

If you go flying on a flying trapeze,’said his mother’’I will be a tightrope walker,and I will walk across the air to you,



‘if you become a tightrope walker and walk across the air ,’said the little bunny’ I will become a little boy and run into a house’

‘If you become a little boy and run into a house,’said the mother ,I will become your mother and catch you in my arms and hug you






The Fox Trapped in the Vineyard

It was a sunny summer day. A fox was passing by a vineyard. Looking at the ripe grapes, the fox exclaimed, 'How delicious they must be!' The fox really wanted to taste the grapes.

So, the fox tried to go over the fence, but it was too high for him. Looking around, he found a all hole in the corner. "Ha, ha, ha! Thank God! I can go through the hole and eat as many grapes as I want!"

The fox put his head in the hole but his stomach was too big. "Ouch! Why didn't they make a larger hole?" plained the fox.

'Why don't I starve myself for a few days. Then, my stomach will bee slim enough for me to go through the hole.' Dreaming of eating delicious grapes, the fox starved for three days. The fox's stomach really ‘如果你变成捕鱼的人’,小兔说‘我就要变成高山上的大石头,让你抓不到我’became slim. "Well, I'd better go quickly into the vineyard!" he said.

The fox put his body through the hold in the fence. With such a slim stomach, the fox was able to easily pass through the hole. After getting inside the vineyard, the fox jumped up and down with joy. 'I am so clr.'

.The fox madly picked and ate the grapes from a vine in full bloom. "Umm! How tasty!"

Walking by the vineyard, a bear spotted the fox eating delicious grapes. "Fox! Fox!" called out the bear. "What's up?" carelessly replied the fox, as he was concentrating on eating grapes. "Can you give me some grapes? I am so gry," begged the bear.

There were a lot of grapes left in the vineyard. Howr, the fox did not want to share the grapes. "No! I will eat them all. I starved for three days to get at these grapes."

The bear reluctantly walked away. The fox snorted at the bear. 'Hmm! Trying to eat grapes with just a word?'

The fox ate grapes until his stomach became swollen. 'I am too full. I cannot eat any more. I had better go home and take a nap.'

The fox put his head in the hole. But, what happened? His stomach is too bulky for him to get outside. "Yelp, yelp! Let's use all my strength." The fox exerted all his power from his body, but it was no use.

有关小学生英语童话故事:The Goose with the Golden Eggs

Once upon a time, there lived a farmer in a all town. The farmer worked hard on his farm. One day, a weird-looking goose came to the farm.

The Goose with the Golden Eggs

Tying up the goose, the farmer was thinking, 'I should cook this goose for breakfast in the morning.' The next day, the farmer approached the goose to cook it.

Howr, the farmer was startled. The goose had laid a golden egg. "How did the goose that lays golden eggs e to me?" The farmer was so happy that he danced cheerfully.

'Perhaps, there must be an enormous amount of gold in that goose's stomach. Although it looks like an ordinary goose, it lays golden eggs.' The farmer was determined to open the goose's stomach. He wanted to be rich instantly rather than gradually.

The farmer cut the goose's stomach open with scissors. But, he found nothing but just what any other goose would he. "Why! How could this be?" regretted the farmer, but it was no use. The goose was already dead.

有关小学生英语童话故事: 驴和它背上的盐Theme Connections Alligators Monkeys Counting Numbers

Donkey and the Load of Salt

Once upon a time, a salt merchant moved from place to place selling salt. One day, he was walking on a bridge over a stream with salt loaded on the back of a donkey. "Yo-ho! Yo-hee-ho!"

Donkey and the Load of Salt

The donkey missed his step because he was too tired. "Splash!" The donkey fell into the water. The merchant set the donkey upright quickly. At that very same moment, the donkey realized his load became lighter as the salt melted in the water.

So, the donkey fell down again on pure. Now, all the salt melted, and his load became very light. The donkey returned home humming merrily. Without knowing the donkey's intentions, the merchant just thought he had bad luck.

The next day, the donkey arrived at the stream carrying salt. "Yo-ho! Yo-hee-ho!" The donkey remembered the incident yesterday. "Neigh! If I fall down in the water, my load will get lighter!' The donkey sunk down in the water on pure.

Finally, the salt merchant realized the donkey's intentions. Howr, a lot of salt had already disappeared in the water. The salt merchant became angry.

Holding the donkey's behior responsible, the salt merchant decidedto give him a hard time. First, he put a lump of light cotton into the salt bag and loaded it on the back of the donkey‘如果你变成树,’,小兔说‘我就要变成小帆船,飘的远 远的’. 'What? It's weird. Salt is too light today.'

The donkey could not suspect the salt merchant's trick. Again that day, the donkey fell down in the water intentionally when he arrived at the stream. Yet, the wet cotton lump became greatly hey.

'Neigh! What makes it so hey?' The donkey could not understand. The salt merchant said to the donkey groaning under a hey load on his back, "You fool, donkey, you are caught in your own scheme." The donkey regretted that he tricked the merchant.


(whisper) Along comes Mr. Alligator,(put palms toger and slither hands like an alligator)

Quiet as can be, and Snapped that monkey right outta that tree.(louder, and clap hands on “snapped”)

Five little monkeys sitting in a tree Teasing MRepeat with 4,3,2,1 monkeys. Variationr. Crocodile——“You can"t catch me.” “You can"t catch me.”

Along comes Mr. Crocodile As quiet as can be—— SNAP!!



一点声音都The fox had no cho but to starve for three days. And, he could e out of the hole only after his stomach had gotten slim. "Oh, my! I'm so gry." The fox held his growling stomach and went back home. Watching this, the bear and other animals laughed at the greedy fox.没有,把一只猴子咬下了树。







Long long ago,th(提高声音,咬的时候拍手掌)ere was an old woman who raised a little cat.The all cat felt very lonely because he was always alone.One day,the old woman brought a little dog home.The little cat was very happy because he had a friend!After that ,the little cat and the little becamd good friends and lived a happy life. 从前,有一个老奶奶,她养了一只小猫.小猫每天都是一个人,它感‘shucks,’,said the bunny,’ I will just觉很孤独.有一天,老奶奶带回了一只小狗.小猫很开心,因为终于它终于有朋友了!从那以后.小猫和小狗成了,快乐地生活着.(原创~虽然很幼稚,但是字数有限嘛~)

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