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coming怎么读 coming怎么读音发音






6、n.(名词)白昼,白天时代,时期工作日,一天,日,一日节日黎明全盛时期,成名时期日复一日,一天又一天,过一天算一天天天竞赛战斗胜利特定日姓氏戴、代的音译v.(动词)交由仲裁,由仲裁决定二、双解释义n.(名词)[C]一天,一日 a period of 24 hours[C][U]日间,白天 the time between sunrise and sunset[C]工作日 a period of work within a 24-hour period[P]时期; 时代; 寿命 a particular period or point of time; one's life[S]全盛时期,黄金时代 a period of success or fame三、英英释义Noun:time for Earth to make a complete rotation on its axis;"two days later they left""they put on two performances ry day""there are 30,000 passengers per day"some point or period in time;"it should arrive any day now""after that day she nr trusted him again""those were the days""these days it is not unusual"a day assigned to a particular pure or observance;"Mother's Day""it is easier to make the repairs in the daytime"the recurring hours when you are not sleeping (especially those when you are working);"my day began early this morning""it was a busy day on the stock exchange""she called it a day and went to bed"an era of existence or influence;"in the day of the dinosaurs""in the days of the Roman Empire""in the days of sailing ships""he was a successful pianist in his day"the period of time taken by a particular planet (e.g. Mars) to make a complete rotation on its axis;"how long is a day on Jupiter?"the time for one complete rotation of the earth relative to a particular star, about 4 minutes shorter than a mean solar daya period of opportunity;"he deserves his day in court""ry dog has his day"United States writer best known for his autobiographical works (1874-1935)四、例句Owls sleep by day and work at night.猫头鹰白天睡觉晚上工作。


8、He is seldom at home during the day.You can see stars by night, but not by day.你在夜晚可以看到星星,白天却看不到。

9、He has been working all day.他已工作了一整天。

10、The eggs began to decome after a day in the sun.鸡蛋在太阳下放了一天后开始变坏。

11、The milkman comes ry other day.送牛奶的人每隔一天来一次。

12、He is the man of the day.他是时下的风云人物。

13、He was a great singer once but now he's had his day.他曾是个红歌星,但现在风华已去。

14、五、经典引文The longest day is equall to the longest night.出自:N. CarpenterThe day was overcast and drippy.出自:S. King六、情景对话圣诞节A:Carter, ChristmasDay is coming. Merry Christmas to you.卡特,圣诞节就要到了,祝你圣诞快乐!B:Thank you. And a merry christmas to you!谢谢你。

15、祝你圣诞快乐!时间和日期A:What date is it today?今天是几号?B:Today is December 23, 2002.今天是2002 年12 月23 日。

16、A:Oh, theday after tomorrow is Christmas.哦,后天是圣诞节。

17、B:Merry Christmas to you!预祝你圣诞快乐!A:You too!你也圣诞快乐!在邮局day的近义词A:I'd like to buy some stamps for this letter.我想买这封信的邮票。

18、B:Let me just weigh it first.请先让我称一称。

19、A:How much will it be?要多少钱?B:Are you sending it by regular or by speed?你要寄平信还是快递?A:Just the regular.平信就好了。

20、B:That'll be four yuan.四元。

21、A:How long will it take for my mail to reach its destination?我的信件到达目的地要多久?B:Just two days.只要两天。

22、day的翻译B:Goodday.再见!A:Goodday also to you.再见!七、常见错误n.(名词)一天早上,在上学的路上我碰到她了。

23、误 One day morning,I ran into her on my way to school.正 One morning,I ran into her on my way to school.析 “一天早上”应译为one morning,不能译为one day morning。



26、误 Tomorrow will be the Children's Day.正 Tomorrow will be Children's Day.析 在含有day的节日名称前,通常不加定冠词the。


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