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初一美文赏析 七年级美文欣赏


初一美文赏析 七年级美文欣赏初一美文赏析 七年级美文欣赏

初一美文赏析 七年级美文欣赏

1、阅读是 英语学习 者必须掌握的五种学习技巧之一。


3、下面是我带来的七年级 英语 美文欣赏 ,欢迎阅读! 七年级英语 美文欣赏篇一你知道你所向何方吗Do You Know Where You''re GoingDo you know where you're going to?Do you like the things that life's been showing youWhere are you going to?Do you know?你知道你所向何方吗?你喜欢人生所展现给你的东西吗?你要去何处?你知道吗?Do you get what you're hoping for?When you look behind you there's no open doorsWhat are you hoping for?Do you know?你会得到你所盼望的吗?当你回过头时,你会发现没有敞开的门你盼望着什么?你知道吗?Once we were standing still in timeChasing the fantasiesThat filled our mindsYou knew how I loved youBut my spirit was freeLaughing at the questionsThat you once asked of me当我们在时间中站立追逐着充满心中的幻想时你知道我如何爱着你但我的灵魂是自由的嘲笑着那些你问过我的问题Now looking back at all we've plannedWe let so many dreamsJust slip through our handsWhy must we wait so long?Before we seeHow sad the answersTo those questions can be看着我们所有的我们让多少梦想从指尖溜走为何我们要等待如此之久?在我们看见那些问题的能有多么哀伤之前七年级英语美文欣赏篇二利用你的新位置Make use of the novelty of yourMake use of the novelty of your ition, For people are valued while they are new. Novelty pleases all because it is uncommon, taste is refreshed, and a brand new mediocrity is thought more of than accustomed excellence.利用你的新位置,当你是位新人的时候,就会受到重视。


5、Ability wears away by use and become old. Howr, know that the glory of novelty is short lived after four days respect is gone. Accordingly, learn to utilize the first fruits of appreciation, and seize during the rapid passage of applause all that can be put to use.一位资质平平的新人比司空见惯的杰出人士更受人关注。




9、For once the heat of novelty is over, the passion cools and the appreciation of novelty is exchanged for distaste at the customary. Beli that rything has its season., which soon passes.因此,要懂得利用人人激爽的初熟之果,在转瞬即逝的喝彩欢呼声中,抓住一切可以利用的机会。




13、七年级英语美文欣赏篇三让你的个人品质超过你的职责需求Let your personaLet your personal qualities surpass the requirements of your off,Do not let it be the other way about.要让你的个人品质超过你的职责需求。


15、Howr high the t, the person should be higher. An extensive capacity extends and dilates more and more as his off becomes higher.不管职位多高,人应该更高。


17、On the other hand, the narrow-minded will easily lose heart and come to grief with diminished responsibilities and reputation. The great Augustus thought more of being a great man than a great prince. Here a lofty mind finds fit place, and well-grounded confidence finds its opportunity.另一方面,心胸狭窄的人很容易灰心丧气。


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