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苏教版六年级英语试卷 苏教版六年级英语试卷可打印


苏教版六年级英语试卷 苏教版六年级英语试卷可打印苏教版六年级英语试卷 苏教版六年级英语试卷可打印

1、没有错别字的一组是( )。

A、斩钉截铁 秉烛夜游 张冠李戴 三年五栽

B、囫囵吞枣 聚精会神 不计其数 万籁俱寂

C、拔苗助长 垂头丧气 赞叹不己 花团锦簇

D、兴国安帮 应接不暇 接踵摩肩 盛气凌人

2、下面没有语病的一句是( )。

A、 这次数学考试,全班同学普遍成绩提高了。

B、 小刚的肩头被沉重的担子压得喘不过气来。

C、 经过医生的精心治疗,爷爷很快就恢复了健康。

D、 尽管天气多冷,亮亮每天早晨都锻炼身体。

3、下面的句子都运用了修辞手法,按句子顺序正确的一组是( )。





A、比喻 拟人 排比 夸张 B、拟人 比喻 夸张 排比

C、夸张 比喻 排比 拟人 D、拟人 比喻 排比 夸张

4、下面词语中搭配全对的一组是( )。

A、改正方法 改变态度 B、发扬传统 树立理想

C、严格批评 严厉打击 D、增长体质 提高质量

5、“在写第一个字以前,他担心地朝门口和窗户看了几眼。”这句话最能说明凡卡当时心理的是( )。

A 凡卡胆小,夜里一个人在鞋铺有些害怕。

B 凡卡担心有人来找他,会打扰他写信。

C 凡卡是第一次写信,生怕被人发现,觉得难为情。

D 凡卡担心老板、老板娘突然回来,发现自己在写信,会被狠狠揍一顿。

6、下面三个词,其两个音节之间要用隔音符号的是( )。

A、Kù ài Β、dǎ jiǎo C zī xún D yāo xīe

7、“船慢慢地向前驶着,沿途停着好几只灰色的白色的军舰。不,那不是悬挂着我们的国旗的,那是帝国主义的军舰。”这句话在朗读时应( )。




8、“三顾茅庐”中“顾”的意思是( )。

A、 看,拜访。 B、照管。 C、文言连词。

9、“这次期末考试,我非争个前三名不可。”这是( )

A、否定句 B、肯定句 C、双重否定表示肯定。



(1)( )碌碌无为地混这一生,( )壮烈地去死。

(2)这本小说( )大致翻一下,( )要花很多时间。

(3)( )赶快采取措施,( )能多出人才。

(4)与他( )分别多年,( )我还是一眼就认出了他。

2、 把成语补充完整。(6分)

优胜( )( ) 前( )后( )( )思( )虑 ( )( )不倦

翻天( )( ) ( )( )不绝 惊心( )( ) 如( )似( )

( )山( )岭 舍本( )( ) 浅( )慢( ) 波( )壮( )


1、 默写二首描写送别情景的古诗。(6分









2、 写句有提倡勤劳节俭的名言警句.(2分)


3、 写出八个带有2个数字的词语。(4分)



( )这里出口和生产香料的历史一去不复返了,但香港的地名却传到今天。

( )清朝时实行海禁,政府又强迫这里的居民迁往内地,种香业彻底衰败。

( )古诗候,东莞县生产一种优质沉香---莞香。其中女儿香最为著名,被誉为“海南珍奇”。

( )久而久之,海湾这地方被称为“香港”了。

( )明朝时,当地居民已经普遍以种香为业了。那时,每天都有一种叫“大眼鸡”的渔船将大批香料送往各地。












六、 阅读理解(10分)


现在正是枝叶(繁茂 繁荣)的季节。这棵榕树好象在把它的全部生命力(展示 展现)给我们看。那么多的绿叶,一簇堆在另一簇的上面,不留一点缝隙。翠绿的颜色(响亮 明亮)地在我们的眼前闪耀,似乎每一片树叶上都有一个新的生命在(抖动 颤动)。

1 在括号里划去不恰当的词。(2分)

2 这段话主要是在写( )。(1分)

3 在文中用“----”划出作者看到的景物的句子,用“ ”划出表示作者联想的句子。(2分)

4 作者是怎样写出榕树的茂盛的?(2分)


_ ____________________________________






1 这篇文章三个小节就是三个段落,请划出各段的中心句。(3分)

2 给短文加个标题。(2分)

3 用“/”给第一段划分为两层意思。(1分)

4 “只有这样,你们才能看到掌握科学文化知识的艰巨性,才为愿意作出艰苦的努力,……”一句中的“这样”指什么?(2分)



5 “少年儿童是我们未来的希望所在。然而,我们现在所希望的,却是要求你们在刚刚开始迈步的时候,就要以勤奋作为自己的起点!”一句中,前一个“希望”指( ),后一个“希望”指( )。(2分)

6 文章最后一句话跟题目有( )关系。(2分)

七、 作文。(30分)









一、 基础知识。


陶醉 凝重 挽联 恩赐 囫囵吞枣 滋润 魁梧 真挚 勉励 悬崖峭壁

解析:此题的考察重点是个别字的书写。如:“陶醉”的“醉”; “凝重”的“凝”;“挽联”的“挽”;“恩赐”的“赐”;“囫囵吞枣”的“囫囵”和“枣”;“滋润”的“滋”;“魁梧”的“魁”;“真挚”的“挚”;“勉励”这两个字;“悬崖峭壁”的“悬”。


镌刻(juān juàn) 抚摩(mó mē) 扁舟(biān piān)

阻挠(náo ráo) 塑料(suò sù) 挫折(cuō cuò) 归宿(sù xiǔ ) 瘦削(xiāo xuē)



陡( 峭 )的悬崖 胜利的( 消 )息 俊( 俏 )的姑娘

( 削 )好的铅笔 弥漫的( 硝 )烟 畅( 销 )的商品

( 逍 )遥自在的生活 元( 宵 )佳节


4、 按要求填空,你一定行的。

“巷”字用音序查字法先查音序( X ),再查音节( xiànɡ )。按部首查字法先查( 己 )部,再查( 6 )画。能组成词语( 大街小巷 )。


“漫”字在字典里的意思有:①水过满,向外流;②到处都是;③不受约束,随便。(1)我漫不经心地一脚把马鞍踢下楼去。 字意是( ③ )

(2)瞧,盆子里的水漫出来了。 字意是( ① )

剩下一个义项可以组词为(漫山遍野 )



风( 雨 )同(舟 ) ( 悬 )崖( 峭 )壁 ( 奇 )( 妙 )无比 和( 蔼 )可( 亲 ) ( 抑 )扬顿( 挫 ) ( 德 )高( 望 )重

( 寝 )不( 安 )席 张( 冠 )李( 戴 )




人们常用 高山流水 来比喻知音难觅或乐曲高妙,用雅俗共赏 来赞美达芬奇的《蒙娜丽莎》,当我们面对一篇好文章时,我们可以说 妙笔生花 。(后两个空答案不唯一)



(1) 鲁迅先生说过:“ 横眉冷对千夫指 ,俯首甘为孺子牛。”

(2)不是花中偏爱菊 ,此花开尽更无花。

(3)轻诺 必寡信。这句名言告诉我们 轻易向别人承诺的人,一定很少讲信用 (此空答案不唯一,只要意思对即可)

(4) 但存 方寸地 ,留与 子孙耕 。

(5) 大漠沙如雪, 燕山月似钩 。























戛然而止( jiá ) 硕果( shuò ) 伴和( hè ) 步履( lǚ ) 雕琢( zhuó )




3、在作者眼中,春天的特点是缠绵 ,夏天的特点是狂热 ,冬天的特点是冷漠 ,秋天的特点是清爽 ,热情 ,真诚 。(3分)

4、文中,作者把秋天分别比喻成了骏马 ,将军 ,流星 。(3分)











1、篮球个数是足球的125%,篮球比足球多( )%,足球个数是篮球的()%,足球个数比篮球少()%。

2、排球个数比篮球多18%,排球个数相当于篮球的( )%。

3、足球个数比篮球少20%。排球个数比篮球多18%,( )球个数最多,( )球个数最少。

4、果园里种了60棵果树,其中36棵是苹果树。苹果树占总棵数的( )%,其余的果树占总棵数的( )%。

6、20的40%是( ),36的10%是( ),50千克的60%是( )千克,800米的25%是( )米。

7、一张长方形图片,长12厘米,宽9厘米。按1 : 3的比缩小后,新图片的长是( )厘米,宽是( )厘米,这张图片( )不变,大小( )。

8、一块正方形的花手帕,边长10厘米,将其按( )的比放大后,边长变为30厘米。

9、( )÷15=0.8=( )%=( )成

10、篮球个数是足球的125%,篮球比足球多( )%。

11、一个圆锥的体积是76立方厘米,底面积是19平方厘米。这个圆锥的高是( )厘米。

12、如果3a=4b,那么a : b = ( ):( ) 。

13、 一个直角三角形中,两个锐角度数的比是3 : 2 ,这两个锐角分别是( )度、( )度。

14、12的约数中可以选出4个数组成一个比例,请你写出比值不同的两组:( )、( )。

15、 一个比例里,两个外项正好互为倒数,其中一个内项是2.5,另一个内项是( )。

16、一个圆柱的底面半径为2厘米,侧面展开后正好是一个正方形,圆柱的体积是( )立方厘米。

17、一个长为6厘米,宽为4厘米的长方形,以长为轴旋转一周,将会得到一个底面直径是( )厘米,高为( )厘米的( )体,它的体积是( )立方厘米。

18、24÷( )=( ):24 = 3/4=( )% =( )折 =( )(填小数)。

19、8厘米是16分米的( )% 100千克比80千克多( )%

12米比( )少20% ( )比16少40%

20、一件篮球打九折出售后,售价72元,原价( )元。

21、在一个比例里,已知两个外项互为倒数,其中一个内项是最小的合数,另一个内项是( )。

22、把3/4、5/6、5/8和1组成一个比例是( )。

23、已知6x=4y,x和y成( )比例,已知5/x=y/4,x和y成( )比例。

24、一个圆锥的体积是32立方厘米,高是4厘米,底面积是( )。

25、把边长是3厘米的正方形按4 :1扩大后,扩大前后图形之间的面积比是( )。

26、一个圆柱体和一个圆锥体体积相同,底面积也相同,如果圆柱的高是12厘米,圆锥的高是( )厘米,如果圆锥的高是12厘米,圆柱的高是( )厘米。

27、比例尺10 :1,表示图上距离1厘米相当于实际距离( )厘米。

28、一个圆柱侧面展开是一个周长为24厘米的正方形,圆柱的侧面积是( )平方厘米。

29、李叔叔写了一部长篇小说,除800元以外,按14%交纳了532元个人所得税,李叔叔这次共得了( )元稿费。

30、六年级女生人数是男生人数的3/4,那么男生人数是女生人数的( ),女生人数是全班人数的( )。

31、白兔的只数比黑兔少1/6,白兔的只数是黑兔的( ),黑兔的只数是白兔的( ),黑兔的只数比白兔多( ),黑兔的只数占兔子总数的( )。

32、一杯果汁,已经喝了2/5,喝掉的是剩下的( ),剩下的是喝掉的( )。

33、白兔和黑兔共有40只,黑兔的只数是白兔的3/5,黑兔有( )只。

34、在2∶5、12∶0.2、310∶15 三个比中,与5.6∶14 能组成比例的一个比是( )。

35、在比例里,两个( )的积和两个( )积相等。

36、如果A×3=B×5,那么A∶B= ( ) ∶ ( )。


( ) ∶ ( ) = ( ) ∶ ( )。

38、根据3×8 = 4×6写成的比例是( )、( )或( )。

39、甲数的25% 等于乙数的75%,那么甲数与乙数的比是( )∶( )。

40、在一个比例里,两个外项的积是30,已知一个内项是10,另一个内项是( )。

41.甲数除以乙数的商是4,甲数与乙数的最简整数比是( )

42、三角形底一定,它的高和面积成( )比例。

43、用0.2 、 6、 30、 1这四个数组成两个比例式是( )和( )

44、某厂男职工人数是女职工的23 ,女职工与男职工的人数比是( )

45、两个正方体的棱长比是3:4,它们的体积比是( )

46、如果3a=2b,那么a:b=( ):( )

47、从A地到B地,甲用12分钟,乙用8分钟,甲乙的速度比是( )

48、小圆的半径是2厘米,大圆的半径是3厘米,小圆和大圆的周长比是( ),面积比是( )

49、甲乙两数之比是3:4,它们的和是1.4,则甲数是( ),乙数是( )

50、一个比8:15,如果后项增加60,要使比值不变,比的前项应该增加( )

51、在比例尺是1200 的学校平面图上,量得教室的长8厘米,宽6厘米,教室实际面积是( )

52、男生人数比女生人数少20%,男生人数与女生人数的比是( ):( )

53、甲数的13 等于乙数的25 ,甲数与乙数的比是( )

54、一克的盐放入49克的水中,盐和盐水的比是( )。


56、一车水果重1.8吨,按2:3:5的比例分配给甲、乙、丙三个水果店,乙水果店分得这批水果的( )。新课标第一网

57、0.75:2/3 化成最简整数比是(),比值是( )。






1. A. woof B. choose C. wood

2. A. shirt B. cleaner C. learn

3. A. boat B. cabbage C. thumb

4. A. water B. gas C. bat

5. A. actor B. cinema C. cloud

二) 补全单词(5×2分)

6. acc_____nt A. ou B. uo C. oa

7. bookst____ A. or B. ore C. ure

8. c__m__c A. e,I B. o,u C. o,i

9. str____m A. ae B. ea C. ee

10. sh_____d A. oul B. ou C. ol


A 汉译英 B 英译汉

11.骑自行车_____________ 16. come from___________

12. 电视台记者____________17. play a violin__________

13. 摩托车________________18. make kites___________

14. 露出,出现______________19. get off______________

15. 醒来__________________ 20. traffic rule___________


21. I teach lessons. I am a __________________.

22. I clean streets. I am a ___________________.

23. I sing songs. I am a ____________________.

24. Tom dances. He is a ____________________.

25. Mary writes stories. She is a _____________.


26.What’s your hobby?

A. Swiming B. Swimming C. Swim

27. Does your mother wash clothes?

A. Yes, she doesn’t B. Yes, he does C. No, she doesn’t

28. What does Tom do?

A. Tom goes to school. B. Tom is a boy C. Tom is a teacher

29. How does he go to school?

A. On feet B. By foot C. On foot

30. He likes ________planes. He likes ________,too.

A. make/swimming B. making / swimming C. making / swim

31. I don’t have a brother_________sister.

A. or B. and C. the

32. He usually plays at the park __________ Sunday.

A. in B. at C. on

33. Who is he? He is _________ brother.

A. mine B. my C. I

34. she ___________ football everyday.

A. playing B. play C. plays

35. Happy birthday!

A. The same to you B. Thank you C.OK


36. same / the / like / We / things / don’t

37. bue / to / school / by / He / goes

38. Ann / TV / on / cartoons / watches

39. Who / in / a / factory / works / car

40. from / does / the / Where / rain / come


41. They (A; has / B: have) lunch in the kitchen.

42. She (A: watch / B: watches) TV in the evening.

43. We (A: ride / B: rides) a bike to our school.

44. Ton and Alice (A: likes / B: like) listening to music.

45. His mother (A: wear / B: wears) a black coat.


This is Billy and his brother’s bedroom. It’s not very big, but it is tidy(整洁).There are two beds in the room. There is a desk between(在……中间)the beds. There are some books on the desk. . Some are English books. Some are Chinese books. There is a phone on the desk, too. There are two chairs beside the desk. One is for Billy, and the other(另一把)is for his brother. There is a map of America on the wall. There is a map of the world on the wall, too. Billy and his brother like their bedroom very much.

46. The bedroom is small, and it’s clean.

47. There are two desks in the bedroom.

48. There are some Chinese books on the desk.

49. There are two maps on the wall.

50. There isn’t a phone in the bedroom.






姓名 考号 得分

一、找出不同类的单词,将其字母标号填入题前括号内。(2×5 = 10分)

( ) 1. A. went B. want C. played D. cooked

( ) 2. A. his B. her C. she D. your

( ) 3. A. was B. is C. am D. are

( ) 4. A. thin B. long C. tall D. fly

( ) 5. A. small B. better C. bigger D. shorter

三、按要求改写下列单词。(1×10 = 10分)

1.sad(反义词) happy 2.did(原形) do

3.heavy(比较级) heavier 4.play(过去式) played

5.thin( 比较级) thinner 6. have(第三人称单数形式)has

7.take(过去式) taked

10. know(同音词) NO

四、英汉互译。(1×10 = 10分)

1. have a sore throat 喉咙疼 2.感冒 have a cold

3. watch TV 看电视 4.发烧 have a fever

7. play the piano 弹钢琴 8.踢足球 play a football

9. wash clothes 洗衣服

五、选择正确答案。( 2×5 = 10分)

( C )1. ----How are you, Mike? You look so________.

----It's raining outside. I can't play football.

A. happy B. excited C. sad

( A )2.----Sam is 160cm tall. Ted is 10cm shorter than him. How tall is Ted?

A. 150cm B. 160cm C. 170cm

( A )3.----What's the matter? My leg _____.

A. hurts B. sore C. is hurts

( A )4.----_______did you go on your holiday?


A. What B. Where C. How

( A )5.----Did you ______ pictures yesterday?

A. take B. took C. taking

六、连词组句.( 4×5 = 20分)


You are shorter than me.


How feet are you big?


What did you do on the weekend


Did you go swimming on the weekend/


Where did you go on your holiday?

七、补全对话。(把编号写在横线上)(2×5 = 10分)

A. What did you do yesterday? B. How did you go there?

C. What day is today? D. What did you do there?

E. What day was yesterday? F. Did you play computer game with your cousin?

G. Yes, I did.

A: ?

B: It was Saturday.

A: ?

B: I went to visit my cousin.

A: ?

B: I went by bike.

A: ?

B: I played computer game with my cousin.

A: Did you eat good food in your cousin’s home?

B: . It was delicious.

八、阅读短文,按要求完成题目. (2×5 = 10分)

Hi, I'm Liu Yang. Last weekend I visited my uncle and aunt in Hangzhou. I went there by bus. I got to Hangzhou at about 10:00 in the morning. Then my aunt, my cousin----Tony and I took a taxi to the West Lake(西湖). We went there quickly because my uncle is the taxi driver. We rowed the boat on the lake.

Then we went to the Taiziwan Park on foot. It was a hot day. The sun was shining in the sky. We felt hot and hungry. We sat under a big tree and had our lunch. We ate bread, orange juice, hamburger, milk and some bananas. Tony saw a fish in the water. So we fed (feed,喂养) the fish with bread. More and more fish swam to us and opened their mouths. We fed them. We were very happy that day.

1. 根据短文内容,判断正误。(正确的打“√”,错误的打“×”)

( ) (1)Liu Yang lives in Hangzhou.

( ) (2) Jenny went to the West Lake by train.

( ) (3) They had lunch under a big tree.

( ) (4) They fed fish in Taiziwan Park.

( ) (5) Liu Yang 's father is a taxi driver.


一、1.A 2. B 3.A 4.B 5. B 6. B 7. A 8.A 9.B 10. B






Good lucky!


一、 根据你所听到的内容,选择相符的一项,并将其字母编号填在题前的括号内。(10分)

( ) 1.A. park B. path C. bath

( ) 2. A. end table B. ten tables C. red tables

( ) 3.A. small houses B. small horses C. big horses

( ) 4.A. fresh fruit B. fresh food C. fresh fish

( ) 5.A. there are B. they are C. there is

( ) 6.A. bed B. bag C. bad

( ) 7.A. 15 B. 50 C. 55

( ) 8. A. 140cm B. 114cm C. 130cm

( ) 9. A. sunny B. Sunday C. snowy

( ) 10.A. sheep B. ship C. shirt

二、 根据你所听到的内容,判断图片或句子是否相符,相符的在题前的括号内打“√”,不相符的打“×”。(10分)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

( ) 6. Amy is 15 years old.

( ) 7. The cinema is west of the library.

( ) 8. My mother is 50kg.

( ) 9. The door is in front of the trash bin.

( ) 10. I am going to Beijing by plane.

三、 根据你所听到的内容,选择合适的答案,并将其字母编号填在题前的括号内。(10分)

( ) 1. A. He’s happy. B. He has a fever. C. He had a cold.

( ) 2. A. Last Sunday. B. Tomorrow. C. This morning.

( ) 3. A. He likes diving. B. He is a teacher. C. He is tall.

( ) 4. A. Yes, they are. B. Yes, they aren’t. C. Yes, there are.

( ) 5. A. Yes, it is. B. Yes, he is. C. Yes, she is.

四、 根据你所听到的内容填入所缺的单词,使意思合理、完整,每空只填一词。(5分)

1. Li Ming was an _____________ years ago.

2. I bought a ____________ last night.

3. She usually ____________ a kite on the weekend.

4. Did they _____________ last Sunday?

5. There are two ______________ over the river.

五、 根据你所听到的内容,判断下列句子的对错。对的在题前的括号内打“√”,错的打“×”。(10分)

( ) 1.Sarah, Mike and Amy are cousins.

( ) 2.Mike is an English boy.

( ) 3.Sarah is 10 cm shorter than Mike.

( ) 4.Sarah is 45 kg.

( ) 5.Amy is from America.


六、 根据上下文,从所给的七个句子中选择五个句子,将对话补充完整,并将该选项前面的字母编号写在相应的横线上。(10分)

Zip: Hey, Zoom. _________________________?

Zoom: I went to the hospital on the weekend.

Zip: ______________________________?

Zoom: Yes, I was sick.

Zip: ______________________________?

Zoom: I had a fever and my throat is sore.

Zip: You should do sports and make yourself to be stronger.

Zoom: You are right. ________________________________?

Zip: That’s a good idea. But I will go swimming this afternoon.

Zoom: _______________________.

Zip: Sure! Let’s go together.

A. What was the matter? B. Can I go with you? C. Where did you go last weekend? D. Were you sick? E. How do you feel? F. Did you go swimming with me?

G. Let’s go swimming tomorrow, OK?

七、 阅读下面的短文,按要求答题。(15分)


I’m Lily. Today was a bad day. I went to the bookstore in the morning. I read a story book, it was very interesting. Then I wanted to buy some food. I went shopping in a supermarket. When it was my turn(轮到我)to pay for (给钱)the food, I couldn’t find my wallet(钱包). So I went back to the bookstore and looked for my wallet. I asked the salesperson, but he didn’t know. Then I asked a cleaner, she said she saw it on the chair, and someone took it away(拿走).I lost(丢失)the wallet. There was sixty yuan in my wallet. I was very sad.


( )1What did Lily do in the supermarket?

A. Read a story book. B. bought some food.

( ) 2. Who saw the wallet? A. A salesperson. B. A cleaner.

( ) 3.Lily lost her wallet in the . A. bookstore B. supermarket.

( ) 4. How did Lily feel today? She felt . A. happy B. sad

( ) 5. How many people did Lily ask? She asked . A. one B. two


Mike is 9 years old. He is in Grade 3. He is excited today. He got 100 marks in his English test. He sings and dances on his way home. Suddenly, he hits hid head on the wall. His head hurts badly. He cries(哭). He feels very sad. He goes back home. His mother is doing homework. She’s hot and tired. She’s very angry when she sees Mike, “Where are your eyes?” she shouts.


( ) 1.Mike is a student.

( ) 2. Mike does well in his English.

( ) 3. Mike feels excited because he got 100 marks in his English test.

( ) 4. Mike hurts his hand on his way home.

( ) 5. Mike’s mother is very sad when she sees Mike.

八、 阅读下面的短文,从所给的单词中选择合适的单词补全短文,每空只填一词,每词只用一次。(10分)

don’t didn’t went go going was

take took sang with by ate

I am John. I like on a big trip. I usually a trip on my summer holiday. I often go to Beijing my parents. But last summer holiday, I go to Beijing. I to Xinjiang. I went

there train. I good food, pictures and

and danced. I very happy.


1. A:_____________________________________________?

B: He is excited.

2. A:____________________________________________?

B: No, Amy often goes hiking on the weekends.

3. A:_____________________________________________?

B: Tom is going to climb mountains tomorrow.

4. A:______________________________________________?

B: She is an accountant.

5. A:____________________________________________?

B: Li Hua is reading books.

十. 小练笔。根据图片提示,写一写假如你得了流感会有什么症状?应该怎么做?不少于5句话。(10分)






l’m Lily. Today was a bad day. I went to the bookstore in the morning. I read a story book, it was very interesting. Then I wanted t we buy some food. nt oI shopping in a supermarket. When it was my turn(轮到我)to pay for (给钱)the food, I couldn’t find my wallet(钱包). So I went back to the bookstore and looked for my wallet. I asked the salesperson, but he didn’t know. Then I asked a cleaner, she said she saw it on the chair, and someone took it away(拿走).I lost(丢失)the wallet. There was sixty yuan in my wallet. I was very sad





一、判断下列单词划线部分读音是否相同,相同的写”S”,不同的写”D”。 (每小题1分,共5分)

( ) 1. meat weak

( ) 2. mouse hould

( ) 3. sausage laugh

( ) 4. large sharp

( ) 5. order worker


1. Look, the girl is sitting ________ (安静地) in the classroom.

2. People must _______ (遵守) the traffic rules on the road.

3. The lion is big and strong, but the mouse is small and ______ (弱的).

4. Helen often _______ (完成) her homework before dinner every day.

5. Liu Tao had a lot of _______ (面条) and an egg for breakfast this morning.


1. How can we cross the busy roads ______ (safety)?

2. There ______ (be) a lot of meat on the table last night.

3. Nancy is cooking some ______ (tomato)soup in the kitchen.

4. I helped my mum ______ (wash) dishes after dinner yesterday evening.

5. Tim lost his new pen yesterday, he felt ______ (sad) and cried______ (sad) .

6. Mike is good at ______ (sing) and he really sings very ______(good).


( ) 1. There is ________ juice in the fridge. You can drink it.

A. a little B. a lot C. a few

( ) 2. My little sister is ill. I need to _______ her today.

A. look for B. look at C. look after

( ) 3. We can find the story about _______ in Aesop’s Fables.

A. Monkey King B. Nezha C. The lion and the mouse

( ) 4. Jim is a good boy. He _______ goes to school late.

A. always B. never C. often

( ) 5. People should _______ for the cars and buses on the road.

A. work out B. get out C. look out

( ) 6. We must stop our car now, because there is a ________.

A. green light B. red light C. yellow light

( ) 7. ----_______ did you do on your birthday?

----I _______ a film with my cousin.

A. What; watched B. Where; watch C. How; watched

( ) 8. I’m _______. I want to have a _______.

A. sleep; sleeping B. sleep; sleepy C. sleepy; sleep

( ) 9. The students are ________, they’re watching an ________ running race.

A. excited; excited B. excited; exciting C. exciting; excited

( ) 10. Children like sweet food, but they should eat a little _______.

A. on time B. what time C. at a time

( ) 11. Western people often have _______ for breakfast.

A. some porridge B. steamed buns C. bread and milk

( ) 12. In _______, people drive on the left side of the road.

A. Hong Kong B. Beijing C. Shanghai


( ) 1. What do you have for breakfast? A. OK. I will go to bed early.

( ) 2. Can I have some cola, Mum? B. You can take Bus No. 2.

( ) 3. Does Gao Shan run fast? C. It’s for my sister, Tina.

( ) 4. How can I get to your house? D. I have some porridge.

( ) 5. Did you see this film last Sunday? E. I’m drawing in the park.

( ) 6. Who’s that book for? F. No, he doesn’t.

( ) 7. You shouldn’t go to bed late. G. No, I didn’t.

( ) 8. What are you doing now? H. Sure, but don’t drink too much.



______ _______ is this?

2. Tom let the bird go at last yesterday. (改为一般疑问句)

______Tom ______ the bird go at last yesterday.

3. Wang Bing does well at school. (改为否定句)

Wang Bing______ ______ well at school.

4. We mustn’对划线部分提问)

What _______ you ______ ______ on the road?

5. The mouse bit the net with his teeth. (同义句转换)

The mouse _______ his teeth ______ ______ the net.



Sandy is sick. She goes to see the doctor on Friday. The doctor examines(检查)

him carefully. There is something wrong with his stomach.

“Do you have good eating habits, sir?” The doctor asks.

Sandy answers, “Yes. I often have an apple for breakfast and sometimes a piece of

bread. For lunch, I usually have hamburgers and juice. Dinner is very important, so I have big dinner every day. I always have vegetables, fish, eggs, sausages, soup and fruit. Sometimes I eat ice creams and pudding.”


( ) 1. Sandy goes to see the doctor on Saturday.

( ) 2. There is something wrong with Sandy’s tooth.

( ) 3. Sandy has some bread and milk for breakfast.

( ) 4. Sandy always eats a lot for dinner.

( ) 5. Sandy has a healthy diet.


The teacher is telling her students the importance(重要性)of making other happy.”Now, children,” she says, “did you make other people happy?” A small boy says, “Imade someone happy yesterday.” “Well done. Who was that?” asks the teacher. “ Mygrandma,” says the boy. “ Good boy. Now tell us how you made your grandmother happy,” asks the teacher. “ I went to see her yesterday, and stayed with her for three hours. Then I said to her,” Grandma, I’m going home.” And she said, “ Well, I’m happy!”


( )1. The teacher and the students are talking about how to make people _______.

A. angry B. happy C. sad

( )2. The small boy visited his grandmother _______.

A. yesterday B .three days ago C. last week

( )3. The small boy got to her grandma’s house at four in the afternoon, and he

went home at _______.

A. 1 p.m. B. 3 p.m. C. 7 p.m.

( )4. What did the small boy possibly(可能)do at his grandma’s house?

A. He watched TV with is grandma.

B. He cleaned the table.

C. He jumped on the sofa and threw things here and there.

( )5. How did his grandmother feel when the small boy was at her home?

A. Happy. B. Worried. C. Excited.




提示词:get up go to bed brush one’s teeth do one’s homework




笔试部分( 60分 )


( )1.A.mother B.doctor C.father D.sister

( )2. A.elephant B.cat C.sun D.dog

( )3.A.shop B.zoo C.park D.present

( )4.A.hundred B.million C.thousand D.meal

( )5.A.listen B.book C.look D.read


发一封电子邮件____________ 元宵节___________________

思念中国___________ 不是很经常_______________

成为我的笔友______________ by bike_________________

在加拿大的唐人街__________ 西湖 __________________

打扫你的房间__________ 全世界 _________________


Do lots of from at sending

1.______ you miss China ?

2.Look ____ those flowers, they are beautiful.

3.These stamps are ______ America.

4.I am ______ an email to my mother.

5.There are ______ shops in Chinatown.

四、用所给动词的适当形式填空. (10分)

1.Daming______ ( visit ) America now .

2. ______ ( tell ) me more about the Great Wall .

3. ______you______ ( miss ) China ? Sometimes .

4. We______ ( go ) to Chinatown tomorrow .

5. They______ ( collect ) lots of great stamps last year .

6. Let’s______ ( go ) to Chinatown now .

7. Look! My sister _________ ( play ) with the toy cars .

8. Do they like ________ (swim) ?

9. Tom’s mother _______ (have) a nice jacket .

10.Can you _______ (make ) a paper plane for me ?


1. have , we , a , always , dinner , big , family(.)


2. do , what , on , Flag Day , do , you(?)


3. is , address , in , this , China , my(.)


4. Jim , likes , riding , bicycle , his (.)


5. you , got , have , a , about , book , America (?)



Betty comes from America. She speaks English. She can also a

little Chinese. She’s in Tianjin now. She’s studying in a middle school.

She has classes on weekdays. On Sundays she often plays games with

her Chinese friends. Her father is working in Tianjin. Her mother teaches English. Betty and her father like Chinese food. And they like China and the Chinese people very much.

( ) 1. Betty and her parents are in Tianjin now.

( ) 2. She can’t speak Chinese.

( ) 3. Her mother is teaching Chinese.

( ) 4. Betty is English.

( ) 5. Betty doesn’t have any classes on Sundays.




( )1.How do you go to school? A.祝你生日快乐!

( )2.Stop at a red light. B.我怎么才能到博物馆?

( )3.Excuse me.Where is the library? C.红灯停。

( )4.How can I get to the museum? D.对不起,请问,图书馆在哪?

( )5.Happy birthday to you! E.你怎么上学去的?


1. sing(名词形式)_________ 2. watch(第三人称单数)_________

3. write(名词形式)_________ 4. go(第三人称单数)____________

5. do(现在分词)________ 6.can not(缩写形式)________

7. right(对应词)________ 8. see(现在分词)_____________

9. let’s (完全形式)____________ 10. swim(现在分词)__________


( )1.I go to school _____foot.

A.by B. on C.to

( ) 2. Tom’s mother teaches English. What does his mother do?

A. She’s a policewoman. B. She’s a teacher.

C. She goes to work by car.

( )3.-----Is there a library near here?

----- _____ there is.

A.No, B. Hi, C.Yes,

( )4.Jhon 。

A.like dancing B.liking dancing C.likes dancing

( )5.What your father ?

A.does does B.do do C.does do

( ) 6、当你被朋友介绍给一位新朋友时,你常说:

A. You are welcome. B. See you later. C. Nice to meet you.

( )7、有人不小心碰了你,他对你说:“Sorry”你应该说:

A. You must look out. B. Sorry, too. C. That’s all righ

( ) 8. 下午碰到熟人怎么打招呼:

A. Bye . B. Good afternoon . C.How are you?

( ) 9. 当对方说谢谢的时候,你应该怎么回答:

A. No thanks B. You’re welcome C.All right

( ) 10. 当你邀请别人下午一起去公园,应该说:

A. How do you go to the park ?

B. Let`s go to the park this afternoon.

C.Shall we go to the park this afternoon?


1. to , the, next, It’s, hospital (. )

2. to , get, I, How, cinema, the, can (?)

3.I ,attention, must,to,pay,trafficlights,the ( .)

4 .should,hard and stay,study,we,healthy(.)



I’m an English girl.My name is Kate.I’m twelve.I have two sisters.My sisters and I are all at school.We go to school from Monday to Friday.We don’t have classes on Saturday and Sunday.My mother is a teacher and my father is a doctor. I like reading.My favorite subject is English.My favorite teacher is Miss Smith.She teaches us English.My favorite sport is tennis.My favorite school day is Friday because we have two English classes on Friday.

( )1.Kate is _______ girl.

A.an American B.an English C.a Chinese D.an Australian

( )2.Kate and her sisters __________on Saturday and Sunday. A.go to school B.don‘t have any classes C.play games D.watch TV

( )3.________is a teacher.

A.Kate B.Kate‘s father C.Kate‘s mother D.Kate‘s parents

( )4.What‘s Kate‘s favorite subject?

A.English B.Chinese C.Tennis D.Miss Smith

( )5.—Why does Kate like Friday best? --Because___________. A.she like English B.she likes Miss Smith C.there are two English classes


1. 六年级英语改写句子专项练习

2. 六年级英语毕业测试题

3. 六年级英语毕业考试试题

4. 6年级下册英语句子专项练习题

5. 六年级英语上册复习知识

6. 小学六年级英语复习知识汇编

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