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deal with a problem

work out th[网络]全熟; 你干得非常好; 全熟是;e problem(s) ;do exercises 做题



Give more pract 多练习

check out those problems 看看这些题怎么做

work on a problem

do exercisdo more problems 多做题es

To make a proldem


You had best get home before midnight.你在午夜之前回到家里。

问题一:做得好用英语怎么说? well done英[wel d?n]

I'd better not disturb him.我别去打扰他。

美[w?l d?n]


问题二:(做某事)用英语怎么说 (做某事)

常用的固定短语为: You'd better do sth, = You had better do sth.


1. You'd better finish it today. 你今天把它搞完。

2. You'd better stop this empty talk. 你这些空话还是收起为好。

1. had better 的基本用法特点


You'd better get some sleep.你去睡一会儿。

We had better go before it rains. 我们在下雨前就去。

2. had better 如何构成否定式和疑问式

构成否定式时,通常将not置于had better之后(而不是had之后);而构成疑问式时,则通常将had(而不是had better)置于主语之前:


Hadn't we better go now? 我们是不是现在就去呢?

3. had better 后接进行式和完成式动词


I think I'd better be going.我想我还是马上走。

You'd better be getting your clothes ready. 你马上把衣服准备好。

You had better he done that. 你把那事做完。

You had better he stayed here. 你本来应该呆在这儿的。

4. had better的几点用法说明

(1) had better 用于提出建议或请求时,并不是一个很客气委婉的表达,它暗示对方有义务去做某事,因此通常用于长辈对晚辈或上级对下级等,而不宜反过来用。

(2) had best与had better用法和含义均不多,但不如had better普通:

(3) 有时可省略其中的had:

You better stop arguing.你们不要争论了。

Better not wait for him. 不要等他了。

(4) 有时为了强调,可将betteWe had best be going.我们现在就走。r置于had之前:

I promise I'll pay you back. You better had. “我保证还给你。”“你还给我。”...>>

问题三:说的好不如做的好.用英文怎么说 说的好不如做的好.

1) Better doing than saying.

2 Well done is better than well said.

问题四:做好自己,用英语怎么说 做好自己,_


Be yourself,

问题五:不要那样做用英语怎么说? you' better not do that

问题六:做好自己就行,用英语怎么说 do myself is enough

问题八:做的很好的英文怎么说 做的很好

Well done;


You he done your best!

问题九:“做好自己”用英文怎么说? 简单

常 啊



But 5、我得回家做作业去。ifthat person exercised, it cut the risk to 22% — a 27% drop in risk.

Excel lent! Outstanding! Terrific! Awesome! Wonderful! good Well-done do well Good job Perfect

Try to do your best.尽力做好

Do your research.做好研究

The offr ordered that all the soldiers get ready.命令士兵做好准备。

Assistant General Mar assists the GM to ma the departments under his jurisdiction.副协助做好所辖部门的管理工作。

omelet cooked quickly and slid onto a plate.很快就做好迅速倒进盘子里的煎蛋。

We must get ready for the start of term.我们必须为新学期做好准备。

The typhoon is coming. We will he to get rything ready to evacuate the rig.台风快要来了,必须做好一切弃船准备。

I he to be well preparing with you.跟你打交道不得不做好准备。

No man can make take、 make、do 都可以表示“做”,具体用哪个词要看语境。take/make/do an experimenta good coat with minor cloth.劣布难做好上衣。

Prepare the night before.前一天晚上做好准备。

Prep the night before前一天做好准备

The teacher praised Tom for his homework教员表扬汤姆的家庭作业做得好。

The overcoat is well tailored..这大衣做得很好。


3、Oh, do you hurt?

问题二:制作游戏用英语怎么说 s

Done in a better被认为应该、拿走、、帮助别人、获得足够的锻炼、职业足球运动员、昨天夜里、开始上课、溜冰马拉松、一双溜冰鞋。Should be considered, taken, identity cards, to others, receive adequate training, professional football player, last night, the beginning of class, -skating marathon, a pair of skates.

问题三:做游戏的英文 play s /he fun(这个比较意译了)

问题四:让我们做游戏吧用英语怎么说 给你最专业的答复!

首先声明一下:鉴于现在这个分类下有很多刷分刷票的人存在,如果我回答过的问题不是提问者自己采纳而是采用投票方式选的话,我将从此拒绝回答该提问者的所有提问!你不选我为可以!但是提问者也要有感!不然对我们这些认真回答问题的人来说是种侮辱!回答却靠刷票被选为~~~~~~太荒唐了!就这样!鉴于现在这个分类里被几个人搞得很乱,请提问者要更有主见些!凭自己的意志选出也算对我们这些回答者的辛苦的回报吧!现在进入正题~~~~~~~ 其实很简单

Let's play a !

问题五:做游戏的英文可以说是play 吗? 做游戏如果指制作游戏可以用produce或make,如果是玩游戏可以说play

问题六:一个人做游戏英文怎么翻译 A person to do the



问题七:英语单词,做进行更多翻译游戏怎么说? play s

问题八:网络游戏用英语怎么说 网络游戏 online

问题九:有关英语的游戏 he a summer holiday放暑(holiday也可用vacation替换,只美式英语与英式英语的习惯用法不同)stay at home 呆在家too much free time 太闲了want to find a for learning study 想找一款能帮助学英语的游戏except Wulong college(除乌龙学院)for free it's ok.(或just for free)不要钱的就行

问题十:把“来和我们一起做游戏吧”翻译成英语 你好 很高兴回答你的问题 翻译为:


To play a with us

望采纳 谢谢



做作业的英语:do homework。



Some lazy students just copy the answers online without thinking.Even some ask th而且在展示的时候,当我们看这些数据, 我们在想,这些动物,它们有没有越过赤道?eir ctes to do homework for them.


The high schools in the district he tried to adjust, for example by adding WiFi access to buses so athletes can do homework on the road.


I'm gonna go and do homework.


I don't want to do homework.

Gotta get home and do homework.


1、大多数人在渴的时候才喝水,但他们常常需要更多的水,尤其在做运动的时候。Most people drink when they are thirsty, but they often need more water especially when they take exercises.

do an experiment

conduct an experiment

carry out an experiment

perform an experiment

都可以,如做实验的What is he?"做",可以用:

do、to、make、conduct、carry out、perform……都可以!


做实验是 do experiments


carry out the experiment

做c点这里:translate.google/translate_t#arry out


do / make/ conduct an experiment


Do the experiment

do an experiment


What had we better do? 我们怎么办?

问题一:做得好用英语怎么说? well done英[welWe must do a good job of it, and we probably can.这件事情我们必须做好,也可能做好。 收藏 迅速做好工作 d?n]

美[w?l d?n]


问题二:说的好不如做的好.问题五:“在某方面做的更好”用英语怎么说? 在某方面做的更好用英文怎么说 说的好不如做的好.

1) Better doing than saying.

2 Well done is better than well said.

问题三:在英语方面做得很好的翻译英语 在英语方面做得很好的翻译英语

she is good at english

be good at 英[bi: ud ?t] 美[bi ?d ?t]

v. 擅长; 健; 精通; 熟谙;

[网络] 擅长于; 在某方面擅长; 擅长...;

[例句]No one expects you to be good at rything.



问题四:做的很好的英文怎么说 做的很好

Well done;


You he done your best!


Better say yes, if they ask you. 如果他们问你,你说“是”。

问题一:用什么东西做什么事情,用英语怎么说 你好,应该用DO sth with sth.不可以用下面那个来写,希望能帮助你。

He aises finding an earlier time in the day to do exercise.

问题二:我们要做什么中的什么英文 We need to be the ___ within the group of ____.


问题三:大家都在做什么用英语怎么说 What is ryaccord him praise for good work.称赞他工作做得好one doing?

问题四:我现在应该做什么英语怎么说 What should I do now?

问题五:你想去做什么用英语怎么说 英文原文:

What do you want to do?


[w?t] [du?] [ju?] [w?nt] [t?; before a vowel; t?; stressed; tu?] [du?] ?

[wt] [du] [ju] [wnt] [tu?t?] [du] ?

问题六:他是做什么工作的?英语4种 What does he do?

What kind of work is he doing?


问题七:我能做什么,我想做什么,我该做什么用英文怎么说 5分 What can I do? What d鼎 I want to do? How do I do it?

问题八:“用来干什么”英文怎么说?? 这句话中文省略了主语,但是翻译时要加上,也就是“这个东西是用来干什么的?”this is for xxx,变成疑问句就是what is this for

问题九:用什么东西做什么事情,用英语怎么说 你好,应该用DO sth with sth.不可以用下面那个来写,希望能帮助你。

问题十:我们要做什么中的什么英文 We need to be the ___ within the group of ____.


做什么的英语 做什么用英语怎么说

问题一:做游戏用英语怎么说 play s 望采纳

1、做什么用英语说是what to do

2、一个调酒师应该知道做什么和怎么做。A bartender should know what to do and how to do it.午休起来只要给她吃点点心就可以,如果不吃千万别勉强哦!

3、我简直不知道做什[释义]做得不错;么好了。I hardly know what to do.


要看语境And in showing you this, you know, when we're looking at this data, we're thinking, oh do theseanimals, do they cross the equator?:

what to do?你要做什么?what are you doing?你在做(什么?what did you do?你做了什么?what were you doing?你刚才在做什么?等等以上都说的是在做“事情”,表示行为动作,把其中的do/doing相应改成make/,意思就...

5、试着多做些运动 Try to do more sports;Try to do more exercise.

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