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求一个写 中美文化异(某一点的异,比如学习,教育,举止什么的)的论文(求英文)

Humans were, and still are to a large extent, ruled by superstition. Those who study history beli that ancient humans thought they were haunted and ted by evil spirits. These spirits, according to the legends, were especially strong when someone was undergoing a change in their life, such as getting married, hing a child or, in this case, turning a year older. This is in fact why the tradition of hing a party on one’s birthday began. It was belid that by hing lots of friends and family around, by laughing and hing a good time, that the evil spirits could be kept at bay. Similarly, it is belid that loud noises scared off the evil spirits, which is why we he noise makers and sing songs and such as part of our birthday celebrations.

These differences do not make either culture better or worse than the other one. It just shows their differences which has been created through centuries of history and dlopment. China can trace their traditions and customs for thousands of years. America is still a nation that has had very few traditions of its own, but has become such a melting pot of cultures that there is almost no specific American culture. This makes both cultures unique, worthy of study, and respect.



History of Birthday

So, being an American what do I see as the 10 biggest cultural differences between the two countries? American culture used to be much more concerned with moral behior, respect, and reputation. Unfortunay, we he fallen far from what we once were.

1. Social Structure – In China the social structure is formal and hierarchical(分等级的). You know where you fit in the structure and you abide by the rules there. There is no crossing into other areas. In America, it is much more loose and rmal. It is not uncommon to see those of various social lls socializing and knowing each other. There are very few lines that socially are not allowed to be crossed. This can cause problems in business relationships if the visiting culture is unaware of it.

2. Confrontation/Conflict– If you are planning on conducting business in China or expecting an extended stay, it might be useful to know that the direct way that most Americans approach issues is not the way to go in China. Direct conflict or confrontation(对质) over issues is highly frowned upon. Doesn’t matter that the “truth” needs to be spoken, respect and honor to each person supersedes that. To prove a point and show yourself in the right n over business issues is considered shameful and should be oided.

4. Face/Reputation– Reputation of the individual is very important in China. If an action will humiliate someone or ruin a reputation, it is oided. When shame occurs, the person sacrifs their job or whatr it is that will heal the shame. In America, reputations come and go overnight and in the end usually does not matter. The end result is more of the focus. A person is more likely to overlook a reputation to get the job done.

5. Business Relations – When doing business in China, be prepared for much socializing. Business becomes secondary as the parties get to know each better. If it delays a contract, that is perfectly acceptable as long as the correct social time is allotted for. In America, business associates are usually more aloof. There might be some social gathering but the business is more important and the socializing will be sacrifd to get the job done if needed. Though there seems to be shift in America regarding this. The recognition of networking is becoming more pronounced.

6. Morals –Chinese society places high values on the morals of their people. Marriage is not encouraged until the late twenties. In fact, dating is discouraged early in a young ’s life and proprieties are expected to be held up. The American culture is much more relaxed and some could n argue that there needs to be more moral emphasize.

7. Recognition of the Dead – One of the time honored traditions of the Chinese is the recognition of the dead. Once a year, all members of a family visit the gresites of each ancestor and pay their respects. Honoring ancestors is very important in Chinese culture. This is in direct contrast to most Americans who rarely know where the majority of their ancestors are laid to rest. This might be due to the fact that most Americans are immigrants who either he lost the rmation on gre locations or the locations are in foreign countries. China’s culture is much older and the percentage of immigration is far less.

8. Humility –Humility is a rred virtue in Chinese culture. The success of one’s business or personal life is downplayed while in America the successes are lauded. Most Americans in the fast business world consider humility a sign of weakness. This can be an issue that hurts inter-cultural relations. Be very sensitive to comments and actions in the presence of another culture.

9. Time Sensitivity – Crossing cultures for business can be frustrating when it interferes with getting the job done. Most Americans are very time sensitive when it comes to meetings and deadlines. If the meeting was to commence at 2:00, then all parties are to be present at that time. The Chinese do not view time as an absolute but more as a suggestion. Concern is not expressed for a meeting starting late or ending at a different time. The same can be applied to deadlines. If a report is due on Friday, an American would be waiting for that report to be received before end of business day. The Chinese would not worry if it showed up sral days later.

10. Respect –Being sensitive to another person’s needs is very important in Chinese culture. It is expected that you will respect the other person and treat them well.


It is always interesting to study other cultures and it is extremely important to do just that if you are going to he interactions with them.You don钬檛 want to insult someone or embarrass yourself and your own culture.China is one of those interesting cultures mainly because what we usually know about the country is through movies or the local Chinese restaurant.What I钬檝e learned over the years is that that knowlTraditionalChineseMedicine(TCM):dlopedinChina,TCMhasatraditiondatingbackmoran2,000years,includingvariousformsofherbalmedicine,acupuncture,massage,exercise(qigong),anddietarytherapy.edge is usually useless.Sincere study of a culture is the only way to truly appreciate the differences.

So,being an American what do I see as the 10 biggest cultural differences between the two countries?It took a long time to narrow it all down since w3. Self –The Chinese looks more at the group collective than at individuali. America has become known for its push of individuali which has been a source of conflict with other cultures that look collectively. A person from China is more prone to look at how their acts affect the whole instead of how it affects them personally. They are more willing to give up and sacrif for the greater good. America’s individuali has been its backbone and the reason for its success as a world power, but when visiting China it needs to be reined in.e could get so detailed that an encyclopedia would be the end result.But the sweat over the comr paid off.

These differences do not make either culture better or worse than the other one.It just shows their differences which has been created through centuries of history and dlopment.China can trace their traditions and customs for thousands of years.America is still a all babe of a nation that has had very few traditions of its own but has become such a melting pot of cultures that there is almost no specific American culture that can be said is applied across the board.This makes both cultures unique and worthy of study and respect.

1.Social Structure 钬 In China the social structure is formal and hierarchical.You know where you fit in the structure and you abide by the rules there.There is no crossing into other areas.In America,it is much more loose and rmal.It is not uncommon to see those of various social lls socializing and knowing each other.There are very few lines that socially are not allowed to be crossed.This can cause problems in business relationships if the visiting culture is unaware of it.

2.Confrontation/Conflict钬 If you are planning on conducting business in China or expecting an extended stay,it might be useful to know that the direct way that most Americans approach issues is not the way to go in China.Direct conflict or confrontation over issues is highly frowned upon.Doesn钬檛 matter that the 钬渢ruth钬 needs to be spoken,respect and honor to each person supersedes that.To prove a point and show yourself in the right n over business issues is considered shameful and should be oided.

3.Self 钬揟he Chinese looks more at the group collective than at individuali.America has become known for its push of individuali which has been a source of conflict with other cultures that look collectively.A person from China is more prone to look at how their acts affect the whole instead of how it affects them personally.They are more willing to give up and sacrif for the greater good.America钬檚 individuali has been its backbone and the reason for its success as a world power,but when visiting China it needs to be reined in.

5.Business Relations 钬 When doing business in China,be prepared for much socializing.Business becomes secondary as the parties get to know each better.If it delays a contract,that is perfectly acceptable as long as the correct social time is allotted for.In America,business associates are usually more aloof.There might be some social gathering but the business is more important and the socializing will be sacrifd to get the job done if needed.Though there seems to be shift in America regarding this.The recognition of networking is becoming more pronounced.

7.Recognition of the Dead 钬 One of the time honored traditions of the Chinese is the recognition of the dead.Once a year,all members of a family visit the gresites of each ancestor and pay their respects.Honoring ancestors is very important in Chinese culture.This is in direct contrast to most Americans who rarely know where the majority of their ancestors are laid to rest.This might be due to the fact that most Americans are immigrants who either he lost the rmation on gre locations or the locations are in foreign countries.China钬檚 culture is much older and the percentage of immigration is far less.

10.Respect 钬揃eing sensitive to another person钬檚 needs is very important in Chinese culture.It is expected that you will respect the other person and treat them well.Their needs are met at each encounter.This is a characteristic that unfortunay has fallen on the wayside in most American circles.



Both Xidi1 and Hongcun2 are UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Both are Chinese villages which he mad to preserve their traditional houses, built in the Southern Anhui Style (皖南民居), most of them dating from the Ming and Qing Dynasties.

Xidi and Hongcun are part of Yi County (黟县), one of the centers of Huizhou Cul酸、辣、咖喱,吃起来还是满开胃的(Sour, hot, curry, eat or appetizing)ture (徽州文化)3, the culture of this part of Southern Anhui Province dating from the Song Dynasty (around A.D. 1121) to present day.

One of the most distinctive aspects of Huizhou Culture is its architecture, the best examples of which are in residential houses (民居), ancestral halls (祠堂), and commemorative paifangs (牌坊). The specific characteristics of Huizhou architecture are the careful way the buildings are laid out (careful attention to local geography), the tall so-called “horse’s head” walls (马头墙)4, and slate-green shingles (小青瓦).

5A view of Hongcun. Note the distinctive shingles and the step-like walls (horse’s head walls). The distinctive shape of these walls, being taller than the roofs, served to separate neighboring houses from each other as a kind of isolation firewall in the nt of a household fire. In these densely populated villages, such caution was necessary. Young men from these villages would lee when they reached the age of 12 or 13 to become merchants away from home, and the distinctive shape of these walls served as a symbol of home.

The villages he been preserved so well that these days they are hing a kind of renaissance due to touri. Keep in mind that these are not museum pieces, but real houses that the local population still lived in. In both Xidi and Hongcun, villagers he opened some of the houses to the public for tours, while others he been turned into hoss, shops, or left alone as residences away from the parts frequented by tourists.

Art students from around the country he flocked here to draw and paint scenes of traditional Huizhou architecture. They could stay at some of the houses which he become hoss.

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9.Time Sensitivity 钬 Crossing cultures for business can be frustrating when it interferes with getting the job done.Most Americans are very time sensitive when it comes to meetings and deadlines.If the meeting was to commence at 2:00,then all parties are to be present at that time.The Chinese do not view time as an absolute but more as a suggestion.Concern is not expressed for a meeting starting late or ending at a different time.The same can be applied to deadlines.If a report is due on Friday,an American would be waiting for that report to be received before end of business day.The Chinese would not worry if it showed up sral days later.









8. 如果可以的话,带点家乡的特产,不是一定要去给老师,而是给舍友或班上同学吃,毕竟你有四年的时间和他们在一起,越早熟悉越好。







美国街头文化英文介绍 求关于涂鸦 说唱等 的英文介绍


Graffiti (singular:graffiIt is always interesting to study other cultures, and it is extremely important to do just that if you are going to he interactions with them. You don’t want to insult someone, embarrass yourself, and your own culture. Sincere study of a culture is the only way to truly appreciate the differences.to; the plural is used as a mass noun) is the name for images or lettering scratched,scrawled,painted or marked in any manner on property.Graffiti is any type of public markings that may appear in the forms of written words to elaborate wall paintings.Graffiti has existed since ancient times,with examples dating back to Ancient Greece and the Roman Empire[1].In modern times,spray paint,normal paint and markers he become the most commonly used materials.In most countries,defacing property with graffiti without the property owner's consent is considered vandali,which is punishable by law.Sometimes graffiti is employed to communicate social and political messages.To some,it is an art form worthy of display in galleries and exhibitions; to others it is merely vandali.Graffiti has since evolved into a pop culture existence often related to underground hip hop music and b-boying creating a lifestyle that remains hidden from the general public.[2] Graffiti is used as a gang signal to mark territory or to serve as an indicator or "tag" for gang-related activity.The controversies that surround graffiti continue to create disagreement amongst city officials/ law enforcement and graffitists looking to display their work in public locations.There are many different types and styles of graffiti and it is a rapidly dloping artform whose value is highly contested,being reviled by many authorities while also subject to protection,sometimes within the same jurisdiction.

Streetball is a less formal variant of basketball,played on playgrounds and in gymnasiums around the world.Often only one half of the court is used,but otherwise the rules of the are very similar to those of basketball.The number of participants in a ,or a run,may range from one defender and one person on offense (known as one on one) to two full teams of five each as in professional or collegiate basketball.It is common to hear player arriving at streetball to call out "next" indicating they are claiming the right to play in the next .

Hip hop as a cultural movement manifest in B-boying (breakdancing),graffiti writing,DJing and eMCeeing – is an artistic commitment to seize from oppressive social conditions.This artistic commitment inherent in Hip Hop culture expresses a reality of human transcendence which was originally born out of the creative impulse and cultural improvisation of the oppressed African American,Afro-Caribbean and Latino American communities of New York City(with the South Bronx as the epnter) in the late 1970s.[1][2][3][1][4] It was DJ Afrika Bambaataa that outlined the five pillars of hip-hop culture:MCing,DJing,breaking,graffiti writing,and knowledge.[5][6][7][8] Other elements include beatboxing,hip hop fashion,and slang.Since first emerging in the Bronx,the lifestyle of hip hop culture has spread around the world.[9] When hip hop music began to emerge,it was based around disc jockeys who created rhythmic beats by looping breaks (all portions of songs emphasizing a percussive pattern) on two turntables,which is now more commonly referred to as sampling.This was later accompanied by "rapping" (a rhythmic style of chanting or poetry more formally in 16 bar measures or time frames) and beatboxing,a vocal technique mainly used to imitate percussive elements of the music and various technical effects of hip hop DJs.An original form of dancing and particular styles of dress arose among followers of this new music.These elements experienced considerable refinement and dlopment over the course of the history of the culture.

The relationship between graffiti and hip hop cStreetball is a very popular worldwide,[citation needed] and some cities in the United States he organized streetball programs,such as midnight basketball.Many cities also host their own weekend-long streetball tournaments.Hoop-It-Up and the Houston Rockets' Blacktop Battle are two of the most popular.In recent years,streetball has seen an increase in media exure through evision shows such as ESPN's "Streetball" and "City Slam",as well as treling exhibitions such as the AND1 Mixtape Tour and Ball4Real.ulture arises from the appearance of new and increasingly elaborate and pervasive forms of the pract in areas where other elements of hip hop were evolving as art forms,with a hey overlap between those who wrote graffiti and those who practd other elements of the culture.













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Some historians beli that one of the first things people began celebrating once they figured out how to l when a year had passed by studying the moon, was in fact the birthday.

Like many of our modern celebrations, the origins of the birthday celebration lay deep in human history, pre-dating all the world’s major religions. Some historians beli that one of the first things people began celebrating once they figured out how to l when a year had passed by studying the moon, was in fact the birthday. In many ways, this celebration, and many of the traditions associated with it, like gift giving, birthday cards, birthday cakes, and parties is as old as the human conception of time.

The traditions of birthday card and birthday presents are closely related to this. Ancient people mostly brought good wishes and thoughts for the person whose birthday they were celebrating, in the same way that we bring birthday cards with wishes for the person’s emotional and physical well-being for the next year. Although people didn’t routinely bring presents, it was an especially fortuitous sign if they did, it was suped to bring the person extra good luck for the next year. Today, when bring well wishes and presents for or friends and family on their birthdays, we are really protecting them from evil spirits, according to ancient humans.

Other birthday traditions, like a wish on candles, also originated from the beliefs about evil and good spirits. There are two lines of thinking about birthday candles; one is that the flames would send a signal to the good spirits or the gods. Another theory about birthday candles is that the oke and the fire some how warded off the bad spirits. This can been seen in other areas today as many cultures light fires and use udge sticks, which oke, to chase away evil spirits. Either way, it is clear that the tradition of blowing out candles was a very early part of the birthday celebration.

Lastly, there is the tradition of wearing a hat or a crown. It is belid by most historians that birthday celebrations were the most common among the rich and nobility. This is because these are the only people who could afford to he a party. They could afford things like presents and sweets and candles that went along with hing a birthday celebration. It is largely belid that being the king for the day and the tradition of wearing a hat or a crown originated with the celebrations of a birthday among the nobility.

As you can see, the birthday celebration is very old and many of the traditions we associate with it are very old too. One that isn’t old is the birthday song. Although people probably he been singing at birthday parties since the very first one, the actual birthday song as we know it didn’t come about until 1935. The melody was written in 1890 by a woman named Mildred Hill. The words were later written by her sister, Patti Hill and published in 1935. The song was made popular in a Broadway play that was staged a couple years later called “As Thousands Cheer.”




Foreign cultures are fascinating and diverse,offering aglimpse into different ways of life6.Morals 钬揅hinese society places high values on the morals of their people.Marriage is not encouraged until the late twenties.In fact,dating is discouraged early in a young 钬檚 life and proprieties are expected to be held up.The American culture is much more relaxed and some could n argue that there needs to be more moral emphasize. traditions,beliefs,ues. In this article,I will introduce you to some of themost interesting foreign cultures from around the world。

Indian Culture

India is a land of contrasts,with a rich cultural heritagedating back thousands of years. Indian culture is defined byits colorful festivals,intricate art and architecture, anddelicious cuisine。

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